God & Chakras:  Basics of the Body's Divine Energy System
to Feb 26

God & Chakras: Basics of the Body's Divine Energy System

We are all beings of energy, and learning about the body's energy system can promote our health, happiness, and wholeness as well as deepen our spirituality and our relationships with God, self and others.  Come to this 8-week series on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm or Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 to explore and to experience just what a chakra is, what it does, and how we can promote balance within our chakra system to enhance all aspects of our lives.  Utilizing a variety of experiences such as meditation, collage, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, and energy work, we will move through the body's energy system one major chakra at a time.  This will be a very powerful and loving way to start your new year, and will set a foundation for personal growth and transformation.  Register now to reserve your space: Register Here.

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Envisioning:  Manifesting Your Soul's Desire
1:00 PM13:00

Envisioning: Manifesting Your Soul's Desire

We are conscious creators and the visionaries of our lives.  The power lives within us to envision and to manifest what we want for ourselves: How do we want our life to look?  What is the magnificent outcome of our dreams? How do I make these dreams reality?  Come spend an afternoon of peace and play with artist and spiritual seeker Toni Becker, and connect with your calm inner self while creating a piece of art to assist you in your daily life to be a visionary of your destiny.

No art experience is necessary for this workshop.  Each participant will create a piece of art on a small canvas to assist in the envisioning and manifesting of desires.  The canvas measures 2”x2” and will have a small envelope placed in the back for a daily manifestation mantra.  In our workshop, you can turn your small canvas into a wearable adornment or a key ring. After all, only you hold the key to unlock your dreams!

Cost:  $33, All materials are provided.  Register Here.

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Embodying the Enneagram Retreat
to Nov 11

Embodying the Enneagram Retreat

  • Peace Haven Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Experience a transformational retreat designed to help you
navigate your way back to your deeper, authentic self. The
innate wisdom of the Body merges with the sacred wisdom
of the Enneagram to provide a spiritual guide for your unique
spiritual journey. This “spiritual positioning system (SPS),” will
help you reclaim your true identity and your connection to
something larger than yourself, and improve your relationships
with yourself, with friends and with loved ones.  Learn more and see flyer HERE.

The Salem Center for Spirituality welcomes Chris Copeland
and Rick Putman who will lead us in claiming our true Path
to Wholeness. REGISTER HERE!

Led by Dr. Christopher T. Copeland and Rev. Rick Putman

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Listening to Our Soul Speak Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Listening to Our Soul Speak Workshop

  • The Salem Center for Spirituality (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We contain multitudes, including our own inner Divine nature.  Come to this workshop to learn more about who you really are!  SoulCollage® is a creative art process using images arranged and glued on 5x8 cards. It is a gentle, playful way of exploring one's life through recognizing and honoring the different aspects of the authentic self and giving voice to the soul through collaged images. Quiet the inner critic and come have fun!

Cost $45.00, all materials provided, including and snacks.  Please contact Sheryl Wells at sherylwells.sd@gmail.com to discuss alternative donation if cost is prohibitive. 
Leader: Becky Hambrick, M.Ed., Certified Spiritual Director, SoulCollage® Facilitator


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Soul Awareness - Body & Breathwork with Yoga
1:00 PM13:00

Soul Awareness - Body & Breathwork with Yoga

We are human containers filled with Divine Energy. God told us God is always with us, and our energetic body is one way to feel our always present connection to the Source. Come to this workshop to learn practices to help you feel your own energy field and how your energy flows. With Reese Wells, RYT certified yoga instructor. 

Cost $20.00, contact Sheryl Wells at sherylwells.sd@gmail.com to discuss alternative donation if cost is prohibitive. REGISTER HERE

Led by Reese Wells, RYT and Sheryl Wells, MN, MDiv

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Soothing Your Soul
1:00 PM13:00

Soothing Your Soul

We all experience pain, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, at different times in our lives.  Come to this workshop to learn an effective new way to process your pain and to lighten its load in your life.  Through guided meditation, image work, creative writing and breath work, together we will seek to invite the Holy and the healing into our painful places.

Cost $25.00, contact Sheryl Wells at sherylwells.sd@gmail.comto discuss alternative donation if cost is prohibitive. REGISTER HERE!

Leaders Naomi Baker, LMBT & Sheryl Wells, MN, MDiv

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Trusting Your Soul
1:00 PM13:00

Trusting Your Soul

Would you like to deepen your trust in God and in your own inner voice?  If so, join us for this powerful workshop utilizing guided meditation, image work, discussion, breath work and body awareness techniques designed to help you more fully trust the Universal Divine Intelligenceand goodness within you. Susan Sims says, "There is someone in you who is praying for you;"  come to this workshop to better attune to and trust into the voice of the One within who prays for your highest good.

Cost $35.00, contact Sheryl Wells at sherylwells.sd@gmail.com to discuss alternative donation if cost is prohibitive. REGISTER HERE!

Leaders: Naomi Baker, LMBT & Sheryl Wells, MN, MDiv

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Nature Soul
1:00 PM13:00

Nature Soul

God speaks to us through Nature. Come to this workshop to learn ways in which God is speaking to you through the natural world. Discover your animal totem and how it can lead you to a deeper awareness of how God is at work in your life. Register Here!

Leaders: Sheryl Wells and TBA

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