Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Formation are the practices of being with people as they attempt to deepen their relationship with the divine, or to learn and grow in their own personal spirituality. As a licensed spiritual director I offer sessions curated to your spiritual goals and desires. Want to know more about a typical session?

Spiritual Direction Services - $50 / HOUR

Guidance & Direction

Individual: In individual spiritual direction we listen together for how you are connected to your larger Soul Self and for how the Divine Mystery is at work in your life.

Group: For those who want to meet in a small, closed, and confidential group to listen deeply for discernment in response to individual questions and/or in response to specific concerns regarding life events.

SPIRITUAL FORMATION services - by contract

Meditation: Learn to meditate, or enhance your own meditative practices.  I offer lessons in: guided imagery, mind management, body-mind connection, and others.

Contemplative Prayer: Add richness to your prayer life through contemplation. Lessons offered include: centering prayer and how to pray with icons, art, and sacred writings. 

Mindfulness Practices:  Is it Awareness that you seek? I can assist you in learning and creating disciplines that enhance mindfulness and can transform your life.


Jungian Archetype Work: Let’s work together to discern what unconscious archetypes are at play in your life. We can harness their energy to create meaning, coherence, and wholeness in your life.  

Creative Knowing: Explore your unconscious self through creative writing, poetry, and art from the heart.  Connect to the deeper knowing within you.

Dreamwork: God and our Deeper Self speak to us through our dreams.  Dreamwork occurs in a safe, closed and contained atmosphere where we explore your dreams to learn what God or your deep Soul may be saying to you.

Enneagram and Myers Briggs: I offer education and use of these tools as ways to help you learn more about who you are and who you are called to be.  Works well either individually or for a group.

Let’s journey together to move you towards living an intentional and conscious life.


A weekend of spiritual renewal and refreshment

Bond together through meaningful meditations, educational offerings, discussions, creative artwork, and soul-nourishing practices.

Perfect for both Church Groups & Business Teams.